Trip Reports
Tell us how your trip went for a chance to win a free 3.5g of your choice!
First time tripping or just want some ideas for what to try? Check out the Trip Report submissions on Twitter @ tl_tripreports
Tribal Leaf is dedicated to serving our community. On this page you can find on- going campaigns including giveaways, crowdfunding for Tribe Members in need, and events. To stay up to date on all on-going campaigns please create an account and subscribe to our email updates!
Promotions, Giveaways, and Competitions
All donations over $300 receive a free 3.5g* of your choice!
*3.5g of Flower or Mushrooms
*1g of Concentrates or 1 Screw-In Cartridge
*1 bag of Edibles or 1 Bottle of Juice
Tribal Rewards and Membership
Want to become a Tribe Member? Sign up for our membership program! You automatically receive 10 points when you sign up. For every referral using your referral code you receive 20 points that can be applied to your account. For every $60 spent, you receive 3 points. 20 points=$1 towards your purchase.
Sign up on the My Account Page to start earning points towards rewards!